Gbenga Artsmith, a prestigious fashion accessory brand, has launched a new collection of stunning hand-beaded headpieces. This collection features intricate designs that combine elegance and luxury, with celebrated actress Shaffy Bello as the face of the campaign. The headpieces are a testament to the brand’s meticulous craftsmanship, each adorned with thousands of beads taking 10 to 12 days to complete. These headbands have quickly captivated over 200 fashion enthusiasts and become a must-have for weddings and red-carpet events. Gbenga Ayo-Dada, the Creative Director, praises the collection for its storytelling through beads, emphasizing its timeless beauty and craftsmanship. Explore the beaded elegance at Gbenga Artsmith’s website or their Instagram.
What style would you pair with a Gbenga Artsmith headpiece? Share your thoughts!