New York City FC is embarking on a groundbreaking journey with the construction of Etihad Park, a cutting-edge 25,000-seat soccer stadium in Willets Point, Queens. Scheduled to open before the 2027 season, this stadium will be New York City’s pioneering venue for soccer. The ambitious $780 million project, with the backing of City Football Group, NYCFC’s principal owner, highlights the club’s growth potential and commitment. Etihad Airways, solidifying its partnership, has earned the naming rights.
Besides serving soccer-lovers, Etihad Park is a beacon in the Willets Point Phase II Redevelopment Plan, which promises 2,500 affordable housing units, a public school, hotel, and retail areas, transforming the locality into a lively community hub. NYCFC President Brad Sims emphasized its broader socioeconomic ripple effects, envisioning a bustling "live-work-and-play" environment. Anthony Nlebem of BusinessDay Media foregrounds this historic milestone – a catalyst for a vibrant urban metamorphosis in Queens.
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Source: Original Article