Nigeria is embarking on an ambitious plan to integrate digital literacy into its educational system, driven by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda. This comprehensive effort aims to equip young Nigerians with essential digital skills, integrating digital education from kindergarten to university. The initiative, backed by key stakeholders like CISCO and educational institutions, seeks to bridge the digital divide by 2030, with targets of 70% and 95% digital literacy for short and long-term goals, respectively.
This collaboration involves curriculum development, teacher training, and the deployment of digital infrastructure, empowering students and educators across Nigeria. The move is designed not just to provide digital education, but to foster innovation and problem-solving skills, preparing Nigeria’s youth for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Dr. Maruf Tunji Alausa of the Ministry of Education supports the initiative, emphasizing its potential to reshape Nigeria’s educational framework and position the nation as a leader in digital transformation. For more details, visit the original article here.
Call to Action: How do you think digital literacy can transform education in other developing countries? Share your thoughts!
I hope it is not the same AI that translates in Hausa on Facebook platform