"Lagos recently hosted Elysian Reverie: Dreams by the Water, a mesmerizing fashion event at the Lagos Jetski Club. Curated by Isi Atagamen Sakalis and organized by Bzz&Herz PR Agency, the event seamlessly blended fashion with nature. Supported by renowned brands like The Macallan and L’Oreal, the affair was a showcase of elegance. Attendees included dignitaries like Senator Florence Ita Giwa and art lovers who enjoyed a glamorous night with a live orchestra enhancing the runway. Isi’s collection celebrated women’s strength and beauty through designs inspired by water’s essence. The night highlighted creativity and collaboration, marking a successful endeavor in the fashion scene (Source: Read Source).
Question: What inspired the theme of the "Dreams by the Water" collection, and which designs did you find most captivating? Share your thoughts!"