Nollywood actress Lizzy Anjorin recently caused a stir in the Nigeria news space after posting a video where she branded her husband, Lateef Lawal, as the richest celebrity husband. In her boastful display on social media, Lizzy praised Lawal’s modesty and pride in his humble beginnings while daring anyone to name a celebrity spouse wealthier than him. This claim has generated diverse reactions, from praises to outright scepticism, among Lagos news enthusiasts on social platforms.
The viral video spurred some humorous responses and discussions on authenticity, with prominent voices in Abuja news circles mocking the claim. Engaging local audiences, her video showcased amusing insights into Lizzy’s life with her husband, dubbed a ‘piece and rearrange’ master. Questions arose not just about celebrity wealth, but about public perceptions of the glamorous Nollywooder’s personal assertions.
- Lizzy Anjorin claims her husband is the richest among celebrity spouses, igniting discussions online.
- The Nigeria news space buzzed with both sceptical and supportive responses from Lagos and Abuja news enthusiasts.
- A video game with her family added a playful twist to the online discourse.
Is it essential for celebrities to defend their personal lives online, or should their work speak for itself? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Wow. That is so nice. Be happy with your husband is a good thing every man expected from their wife. She is okey with her husband even when she is wealthy and rich. This woman is a nice woman